Episode Five

Episode 5 Part 1

"Mr Tony?"

Stark heard a faint whisper coming from a corner in his room. Shocked at the unfamiliar utterance he jumped from his bed still clutching the sentinel hand he's been tinkering with. "Who's there?!" He shouted. Had he finally lost it? Being held captive and tortured for months will do that to a guy, especially when he's been taken off his medication, his booze.

"I'm not here to hurt you. I'm here to rescue you." said the voice. It was gentle... quiet.

"Show yourself! Who are you and how did you get in here?"

A towering figure seemed to precipitate out of thin air from the darkest shadowy corner of his room. It had green skin and hair and if Tony hadn't occasionally interacted with more fearsome looking mutants on he would have been scared to death.

"How'd you get in here?"

"The door was open."

"Silly me, even geniuses get brain farts in this hellhole."

"Hope I didn't scare you. They call me Anole. Is there any place safe that I could take you for the time being? I have to make sure nothing happens to you till the Agency-X agents or The Captains are able to safely take you out."

"You're with the Agency aren't you? Then the safest place at this time would be my room, with me."

"Oh." The young man replied. Stark picked up a faintest glimmer in his eye.

"Easy, Mr. Tall Green and -"

"Staaaaaark!!" He heard a shout from his tormentor coming in the hall. It made his stomach churn.

"No. Don't suppose you could camouflage me? Well, that wouldn't work. Super senses. I hope the Agency sent someone who they know can finish the Wolverine."Anole gave an unsure look, then vaporized into the shadows.

Soon enough Wolverine was at the door. He was slobbering mad. "What did you- ?!" Tony remained speechless as the Wolverine's nostril flared. "Who's in here?! I can smell you!"
Tony observed as Anole jumped from the shadows, still trying to maintain as much camouflage as possible, to give Wolverine a pounding before he could get his thoughts together. Tony ducked out of the way into a corner as the brawl heated up
"Damn PTSD." he whispered to himself. He was frozen in this moment.

No doubt relying on his senses Wolverine was able to regain his ground, fighting back the young man full-clawed. Anole must have had pretty tough skin and/or prety good reflexes because it has yet to appear as though he'd been impaled. However, eventually the much older, far more experienced Wolverine seemed to have knock him in a corner. His camouflage dropped and Tony saw him with a scaly armoured torso and large arms that slowly receded in size as it would appear he was knocked out. Wolverine would be sure to kill him if Tony didn't act now.

"Damn you, PTSD."


"Let her go Magneto. It's Over." Lorna called from the large opening into the ridge cavity from inside of the facility. She was standing beside, to Magnetos surprise, both brothers as well as Jimmy Howlett and the savage Ka-zar and his beast.

"You will not stop this, children. There will be no more mutants."

The Sentinels became engaged and were soon airborne. "They won't attack me, but I can't say the same for you or your friend here. You could have lived a full life before the extinction but I guess it's better this way."

Before Magneto could continue he  was blasted by plasma from  a charged Havoc. He flew over to the disoriented Magneto while Lorna ran to Cipher's aid. Havoc's eyes and hair were glowing with hot white plasma, fuelled by his determination to finally put an end to his father's schemes. "It's going to take all I've got," said Alex "but this ends today."

"m u t a n t t h r e a t m u s t b e o b l i t e r a t e d" The sentinels all said in accord.

Before Alex could take out Magneto he was blasted by one of the sentinels. "m u t a n t d e s i g n a t i o n h a v o c. t h r e a t l e v e l : s e v e r e."

"Ka-zar!" Lorna shouted, "Cipher is out. We need to get her out of here before they turn to the rest of us. They seem to prioritize by threat level."

Ka-zar signalled to the sabertooth which hopped over to Lorna. She quickly strapped Ali onto it with metal wires left over from the broken sentinels. The creature had barely escaped into the facility when the sentinels detected Lorna's powers and one of them turned on her. It fired an energy beam on her like it did Alex and she was able to pull up a magnetic field shield in time.

Lorna did a quick count of 9 sentinels in total. Currently 3 had Howlett and Scott engaged in acrobatics, another 3 were on top of Alex and 3 more were now after her. Magneto was still recovering."Of course these things just had to be smart." she said to herself. "Where are those damn Captains?!" She shouted.

"Turn your comm on. They're held up in Latveria." Alex replied. He was airborne and dodging the fire of the sentinels. They were quick, durable. "We don't have a porter in the first class so they'd take a while by X-jet."

Lorna managed to dodge the fire of one of the sentinels just in time. "Time to put an end to this."Lorna began to attempt dismantling the sentinels with her magnetic powers but as soon as she could get a hold of them they put up some kind of interfering field.

"Had you half the power of your father, Child. You could have overcome that." Magneto was once again composed and headed towards her.

The sentinels adapted to her powers but it had seemed to slow them a bit and out of nowhere came a spear through one of their heads.

"They don't seem immuned to that!" said Ka-zar.

"h u m a n t h r e a t d e t e c t e d."

"Savage beast!" Magneto hurled, he used his powers to send the spear back at Ka-zar.
Lorna was just able to deflect it herself at the cost of being distracted and weakening her shield. She was hit by one one of the sentinel blasts but maintained composure.

"A flash of crimson from Scotts eyes blasted the other two sentinels away from Lorna, then proceeded to blast at magneto. He had his magnetic force field up, in the mood for no further surprises.

"I'm on my own here guys." They heard Howlett calling. He was held up dodging sentinel blast after they had prioritized him over cyclops somehow.

"Quit complaining." Alex's voice came from above.

"I just need a little lift if you know what I mean."

Lorna knew and, though Magneto was only a few feet away from her, she had to make the right call. She sprinted over to Howlett who was caught in sentinel fire. Her magnetic force field was used as a sort of exoskeleton that took advantage of his organometallic skeleton for her to lift and  fling him directly unto one sentinel.

The sentinels, thankfully, were not smart enough not to fire, Howlett leapt just in time from one to the next as their fire decommissioned that sentinel. Lorna leapt into the air and punched off the head of the other while Howlett cut off the next.

She wasn’t much of a flyer, but Howlett wasn’t at all. He went hurling for the ground and  before she could assist with cushioning Howletts fall she saw him shake his head at her, which could only mean there was something more important to attend to.

She wasn't the best with flying but needed to get to Alex. He's been effectively blasting, hopefully weakening three sentinels which were on his tail. Magneto was still caught up by the full force of Scott's optic blast and Ka-zar, the wonderful Ka-zar was launching his spear at one of the sentinels after Alex!

The spear hit with needle precision through its face giving, alex enough liberty to take another one of them. By the time Lorna had reach ground Magneto had already gathered enough focus to keep his shield up while hitting cyclops aside with the body of a sentinel.

A sudden flash of light from an energy blast came from the entrance. It took out the two slowed sentinels that had adapted to Lorna’s powers. Tony Stark was at the door with his hand gloved in what appeared to be sentinel parts. Anole was leaning against him, injured it seemed, but he's a quick healer. Havoc had taken out the sentinels he was up against.

Magneto was the only adversary left.

Episode 5 Part 2

When backed in a corner, any animal will do the only thing it can do; fight it's toughest fight to the bitter end. Magneto was no animal, but it was always at this point that the tables turn and what appears to be easy game turns out to be the toughest.

Thwoop! A spear hit Kazar through his left shoulder.

There was a crimson flash as Cyclop's visor was flung from his face; He was never able to control his blasts without it.

All around the room various sentinel parts and metals began to levitate. Lorna knew what this meant: Magneto was infuriated.

"Havoc, get everyone out, NOW!"

Parts began to disassemble, metal pieces were being reduced to shrapnel proportions and were being flung around in a magnetic field tornado.

Lorna noticed that Ka-zar, who was speared and bleeding on the floor and vanished. 'Good going, girl.' she thought to herself, realizing Cipher must have woken up. Havoc had managed to sequester his brother and Howlett , who had only just recovered from his fall, and Anole disappeared with stark.

Magneto's eyes glowed a shimmering white as the the velocity of magnetic winds picked up and he levitated from off ground.

It was just her, only her, that would have to finish and take in magneto.

There was a buzzing in her comm from the magnetic disturbance, but she still heard Cipher's voice clearly enough. "First Class will be here in t minus ten, The Captains in t minus 15. Me and Alex in a minute or two."

"No. Stay." She replied.


"Trust me... I have to handle this. There's nobody better. If I don't end this, at least I'll hold it long enough for the Captains to finish." There was a pause. "Ali... That's an order."

She released the earpiece to the magnetic wind and used her telemagnetic powers to seal the large metal doors at the entrance of the cavity before reinforcing her magnetic field exoskeleton. Cipher could be trusted to adhere to orders, Havoc, on the other hand, would not.

"Foolish child." Her father said. "You'll never stop me. You haven't the power."
"For all your irrational hate of mutants.... you've never been ashamed to boast about your power."

"And why should I, my dear. It's a reflection of my strength of character. I could reduce this place to rubble with but a snap of my finger. I BUILT this place."

And what are you? Weak. Too weak to do what must be done. Our race must be eradicated."

"You've yet to give me a good reason why."

"I've seen us killed so many; destroyed buildings, cities... your mother. Don't question me, I KNOW we will be bringers of the apocalypse."

"Look around you, father." A timely sentinel limb split on her shield. "The only person bringing the apocalypse is you."

Lorna felt as Magneto began hurling metal parts at her, stacking them up on top of her enforced armor.

"Child, you are pitiful and weak. Never were you able to extend the range and magnitude of your power. You cannot stand against me."

Lorna never knew for certain if her father would ever bring himself to kill her; The Wolverine would, without a second thought. Still, to not KNOW if your father would exterminate you for getting in his way says a lot. He always did claim that after mutant extermination they would have the option of living out their lives without progeny, or going soon. The crazy extremist ideologies her father held knew no limit.

Before she could let herself be buried in a pile of metal she released her 'mageneta bolts'. Explosive green flares of magnetic force tore through the metal encasing her. She kept her skin-tight magnetic shield reinforcement up as best she could but she was still being constantly clobbered in the ever accelerating tornado of scraps. An ordinary person would have been knocked out or dead by now, still, even with her shield, it felt almost like she was taking a beating from a very large person.

It was no use directly opposing these winds. Her father was indeed far greater in the range of his power. Even flying proved difficult for her, but she'd always been afraid of heights. Still she had to take him down , which means she would have to go up.

She quickly clung to a sentinel torso that was sweeping across the room. It swept her around a full cycle before she could take control of it, still being bombarded by her father's barrage. She began maneuvering herself closer to her father.

"Is that what you've come to? That's all the growth you've shown training under that buffoon Xavier? Flying around on scrap metal."

"The range of my powers may not be as vast as yours, and it may not even have the magnitude, but in my weakness I've learned strategy, I've learned to use my powers in ways you'd have never assumed you'd need to."

She levitated the torso, still heavily weakened from the battering. Her next move would have to be quick. She had to drop her shield long enough, risk being impaled or knocked out. A small price to pay to save an entire race.

While magneto was still perplexed, she perfectly timed a concentrated magnetically charged punch to magneto's head, thankful the days had passed when he used to wear a helmet. She was pretty certain the blow would have knocked him out cold. A tinge of electromagnetism to shortcircuit his brain. She didnt find out however. The room went black right as she was clobbered by a piece of sentinel.

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