Across oceans and oceans of blue, over the Pacific, the X-craft jetted smoothly, quietly. It was a small craft that could seat no more than seven people. It looked like a minivan come aircraft, a very sleek , epic-looking, aerodynamic minivan.
The craft now had one more person than usual, five X-gents. All very quiet and pensive. Alisa Tager , code name Cipher, was piloting. The co-piloting seat was empty. Behind her, in the next row of two, was Lorna Lehnsherr (Polaris) and Alex Lehnsherr (Havok). Behind Alex, to his displeasure, was Jeremy Howlett (Just Howlett) and in the single seat centred at the back, was Victor Borkowski (mostly called Anole).
“Alisa,” a warm voice called from the crafts intercom; it was Commander X. “once within a fifty mile radius you will slow down and go into Cipher-stealth mode.”
“Roger.” Cipher answered. “Now in ‘Cipher mode’ , though I think its ridiculous that we call it that.”
Alison had the mutant ability to go invisible, intangible and completely off the radar. She could extend her power to who and what she touches, even the entire X-craft. The X-craft, of course had its own stealth settings, but nothing compared to Cipher, stealth extraordinaire.
“We don’t know what surveillance for the island is like. For now this is best. The later they discover us the better. When you land keep the machine in its built-in stealth mode and submerged.” said X.
“We’re approaching T minus 10. I’m gonna slow down now and switch to mechanical stealth as we submerge.” said Ali.
The X-craft began to slow down and all the X-gents felt as it halted, hovering above the water some ways offshore the island. It gently landed on the water and then began to submerge itself.
“This thing doubles as a sub. I should get me one of these.” said Howlett. Nobody responded.
The craft hit ground about forty feet underwater. A few panel windows opened automatically. Enough light filtered from above to reveal several coulorful sea creatures swimming about the machine.
“Best of luck agents.” said the voice over the intercom. “And if needs be I can have the Junior team there along with The Captains in seconds.”
“Thanks X. That won’t be necessary.” said Lorna as she unbuckled her seat belt.
“Forges masks will last a maximum of 30 minutes underwater. He’s still developing them.” Said Ali.
“If only some people’s masks would spontaneously fail.” said Alex, obviously meaning Howlett’s.
“Good thing it would take tons more than that to take me out.” said Howlett.
Lorna gave Alex a cross look but didn’t comment. “The exit chamber fits only two at a time. Me and Alex go first, then Howlett and Anole then Ali will come after she’s secured the X-craft.” said Lorna.
With that Lorna and Alex put their mask and goggles on. They entered an airtight chamber at the back-left of the craft. Water began to slowly flood in as she hit the release button. Once the chamber was filled the exit door opened and Lorna and Alex swam out and up towards the Savage Island shore.
Within ten minutes they all were dragging their feet through the water onto the shore ; A white sandy beach with dense forestry just behind it.
When they got to the shore Howlett looked at Ali, whose head and suit was dry down to her knees. “You’re dry.” He pointed out; it was more of a question than a statement.
“These suits don’t cover your head, and even if it did, with all this hair I could fit it all in.” Ali responded, lifting a few of her locks that hung almost down to her waist. She had her hair held up in a ponytail, but that didn't do much to contain the thick locks.
“You have no Idea how heavy three feet long dreadlocks can be when it’s wet.”
“I just don’t like getting it wet unnecessarily. I phased through the water.”
“You look great in a body suit.” said Howlett with a menacing smile as he begun to unzip his suit, revealing well defined chest and abs and tossing his bag pack on the sand.
Alisa turned and ignored him, taking off her bag pack.
Pulling strong arms from the sleeves of his wet suit Howlett addressed the group, “Remember our first objective is not to take on Magneto but to take out the anti-mutant weaponry.”
The entire team stopped to look at Howlett with surprised and disapproving eyes. Lorna’s face looked as cross as it could have ever been. “Can it Howlett. I’m leader. Re-briefing is my job.” She grunted. She slicked her wet, short blonde hair back as she walked inshore towards the forest still with her backpack on. “We can’t be exposing ourselves out here in the open and not just to be prudent. We’re a lot less likely to be seen in the forest. Howlett can expose himself all he wants.”
Soon they were all fully suited and among a tight fitting clearing in the forest, still near the beach. The sound of the beating waves could be heard in the distance, along with chirping birds and wind through the forest trees. Their backpacks were a little deflated and back on their backs. They stood in a circle as Lorna said –
“It'll take a while through all this so we can't really stop much once we get going. This is unfamiliar terrain.”
“Shouldn't Anole know this place?” asked Howlett. He was standing opposite Lorna and Alex with Anole and Ali on either side of him.
The whole team paused again and gave him the same scolding look as before. Anole looked particularly displeased.
“Not everyone who looks like me is a Morlock.” He said.
“You don't know much about the mutant life and story, do you?” said Ali.
“Oh. Sorry.” said Howlett, for the first time looking abashed.
Anole shook his head and Lorna continued, “Let’s move out agents.”
The team made their way through the forest towards the hilly interior of the island. They trod their way through a mesh of trees and bushes. Lorna and Alex leading ahead with a digital map on her holographic wristwatch. Anole was walking close behind them, his long, enhanced, hellboy-ish arms swinging at his side. Ali was behind him and Howlett was a short ways behind at the back.
As they made their way, breaking and trampling hindering plant life as they went along, Anole spoke, for the second time, to Howlett’s surprise.
“I really wouldn’t want to have to need backup on this one. Not the Junior team and especially not The Captains.” Said Anole.
“Don’t you mean ‘not The Captains and especially not the Junior team’ Anole?” said Alex, with a smirk on his face that no-one behind could see.
“Let’s just not let it come to that.” said Anole.
Ali slowed down to walk beside Howlett, wanting to relieve some of the tension that was among the group. Not particularly fond of the lad, she didn’t want him ostracized either. It was bad for the team dynamic. “So what made you leave your father's side. Is it the natural rebelliousness from being son of The Wolverine?” she asked.
Howlett focused pensively on the siblings walking ahead. “Same reason as Alex and Lorna left.” He said. “ I didn't want to die. Plus I realized pops was mad.”
Ali’s eyebrows rose in a bit of surprise and questioning.
“Back in the day The Wolverine, Magneto and X were partners - agents of the government.” Howlett continued. “They were in charge of dealing with mutant affairs. The new an exponential emergence of born-superpowered humans did not go unnoticed by the government and they needed a group to take care of the troubles that might come with it. If a mutant was too dangerous or endangered others, they had to be taken in or taken out.”
At this, Anole back-flipped and landed astride Ali and Howlett, right between the two. “Take them out?” he asked curiously
“Enhanced hearing?... I see.” said Howlett a-matter-of-factly, realizing he hadn’t been speaking loud enough for a regular person to have heard him from Anoles prior distance. “Yes some mutants were too dangerous to live and that's where my father would come in.” He continued.
“You said they were a team. Well what happened? What changed and why do you say you're father's mad?” asked Ali.
“Well, from what I gather, an explosion happened.” He said.
Just then Lorna stopped, looking around with an alert and an alarmed expression on her face.
Howlett focused pensively on the siblings walking ahead. “Same reason as Alex and Lorna left.” He said. “ I didn't want to die. Plus I realized pops was mad.”
Ali’s eyebrows rose in a bit of surprise and questioning.
“Back in the day The Wolverine, Magneto and X were partners - agents of the government.” Howlett continued. “They were in charge of dealing with mutant affairs. The new an exponential emergence of born-superpowered humans did not go unnoticed by the government and they needed a group to take care of the troubles that might come with it. If a mutant was too dangerous or endangered others, they had to be taken in or taken out.”
At this, Anole back-flipped and landed astride Ali and Howlett, right between the two. “Take them out?” he asked curiously
“Enhanced hearing?... I see.” said Howlett a-matter-of-factly, realizing he hadn’t been speaking loud enough for a regular person to have heard him from Anoles prior distance. “Yes some mutants were too dangerous to live and that's where my father would come in.” He continued.
“You said they were a team. Well what happened? What changed and why do you say you're father's mad?” asked Ali.
“Well, from what I gather, an explosion happened.” He said.
Just then Lorna stopped, looking around with an alert and an alarmed expression on her face.
“Oh my God. Did you feel that?” she exclaimed.
An intense look came over Anole’s face. “I hear it, he said.”
In a short time they all could hear thuds coming towards them from a distance. It kept getting closer and closer, and what Lorna had felt became more evident as stones on the ground started to rattle and jump over the quaking earth.
“Now I feel it.” said Alex.
Before anyone could figure out what was happening a giant T-Rex emerged from among the tall trees. It’s head almost at the top of the trees and its millions of teeth glistening in the sunlight. It peered intently at them, looking ready to strike.